Varicose veins häbememokad: the causes and characteristic symptoms, the photo, as well as treatment

This is due to the deterioration of the peristalsis of the blood vessels, reduces their tone, to the complex and causes stagnation of venous blood in the area of the lower limbs and crotch.

varicose veins häbememokad of

Timely diagnosis and follow the doctor recommendations of the disease is not responsible for the probability of complications.

The cause of varicose veins in the genital lips

The main reasons for the appearance of varicose veins häbememokad of several:

  • the increase in concentration of the progesterone levels. This hormone is training for the uterus by nourishing the fruit, reduces its elasticity, and stimulate skin tone. A similar effect is proved to be and blood vessels;
  • violation of elastics in the lower extremities;
  • significantly increases blood amount of. It creates the vein, which has its own area of the lower extremities and groin, the additional mechanical load;
  • pressure vessels more and more volume in the uterus (during pregnancy). Some blood vessels compressed, impairs blood flow, disturbed vascular valves to prevent reverse blood outflow. In view of this, and it seems sluggish.

Unfortunately, the time to predict the appearance of varicose veins is not possible, because a lot depends on the overall health of the cardiovascular system of the patient, as well as the progesterone concentration in the blood. Practice shows that such aggravation most often occur after 40 years, as well as during pregnancy.

IMPORTANT! Doctors also suggest the fact that the varicose veins in the genital lips is due to the insufficient physical activity in women during pregnancy. The beginning is really desirable to avoid the difficulties less move, but from the second trimester long walks – mandatory. If they would not have – there is no stimulation of the work of the circulatory and, consequently, stagnation.

The rest of the cases, varicose veins are often referred to as "professional" disease. There will be it, who the greater part of the day is "legs". At which, for example, include selling stores operating nurses, dentists, hairdressers.

The constant muscle tension provokes the spinal cord blood vessels, followed by their blockage. This may occur when the perineum area, is on the way-and the lower extremities. Depends on the state of the circulatory system in these regions.


Important symptoms of varicose veins häbememokad of – this appearance is visually visible blue or red blood vessels in the subcutaneous layer. It is like time and shows that there is a reverse blood pressure v, stagnation and partial atrophy of the vascular walls.

Originally they appear in the area of all of the perineum, and later a certain period of time (up to increase the load) increases to the extent and in the lips. Most frequently only one, but there are known cases, and bilateral varicose veins.

At that time going on in the body? The groin veins has significantly reduced the speed of the flow of blood.

the symptoms of varicose veins

The pressure of the blood vessel walls from the inside increases and they expand.

They are thinner, which causes the risk.

Complement all of this dysfunction of the valves. These, in view of the strong pressure, can not cut the veins during relaxation of the heart muscle, and part of the blood just starts to flow backwards.

This again creates stress in the elastic walls, their curved.

These sites have the likelihood of blood clots, which is able to completely block up the blood vessels and trigger its atrophy.

IMPORTANT! If looks are the initial signs of varicose veins relief you wife something does not feel. If worsening of the symptoms – there will be discomfort, a painful sensation, acute the pressure than foot and tension in the muscles of the vagina.

How dangerous varicose veins?

Varicose veins expansion dangerous discovered internal bleeding in the event to shatter the venous wall. All of this complements the psychological factor, which is both visually and lips is becoming huge and ugly. This may cause the appearance of the inferiority complex and erectile dysfunction reproductive system.

Especially dangerous in varicose veins of pregnant women, because childbirth and prenatal contractions (especially important is to open the cervix) may become a provoking of the factor of the ruptured blood vessel. If this happens, then there will be a big risk of internal bleeding.

If premature detection of varices is a high probability that the atrophy and blood vessels. They are no longer circulating in the blood and activates the process of sucking the vein. If the mixing is very broken, then you are likely to need amputeerida damaged sexual lips.

Treatment of varicose veins häbememokad of

To date, there are several effective methods of treatment of varicose veins:

  • the conservative treatment. The premise of the medicines that stimulate the heart function and also wearing compression wash. All of this complements the medical training;
  • surgical. Not living vessels completely removed through a cut in the perineum region;
  • stitching. The damaged vein in the early stage of disease is blocked using a laser-cautery. The passage of time they have to solve, and in their place arise new.

Conservative treatment is preferred, but is allowed its implementation is still at an early stage varicose veins, if the lips do not increase in size, indicating that the absence of all blockages. In doing so, the doctor determines the stimulants, and these medications, which prevent thrombosis from occurring.

Wearing compression wash helps to maintain the blood vessels in the lower extremities of your primary possible, if not curvature. It promotes normal blood circulation and reduces the pressure. Treatment is determined by doctor's discretion.

Surgical method is the most radical and is used to occur, the risk of opening the internal bleeding. Used most recently, if it is likely to atrophy häbememokad.

And here is the laser procedure is a relatively new variation of treatment with minimum traumatism. Here is the only toolkit that is necessary in order to carry it out, most of the country's clinics not.

varicose veins during pregnancy

In total, varicose veins häbememokad – it violates the work of the cardiovascular system due to the deterioration of elastics. If timely detection is not refractory. Especially dangerous for pregnant women, because there is a risk of internal bleeding, the process of birth.